However, the golden hour beckoned later on; I had my camera with me, the day had been a sunny one and I had a free hour. To be honest though, I was feeling desperate to come up with something for today so let's see if it worked out.

Returning to the location with the pretty grass, I had also been captivated by the brown allee of trees with the walking trail down the center.

Within the park you can see that the sun is getting low in the sky and beginning to color.

Here is that pretty pink colored grass at the entrance that I had noticed earlier in the day. I am at Meadowlark Gardens.

Now does the change in the fence color bother the success of this photograph? There wasn't anything to be done about it and I did like how the fence created the boundary so I'm keeping it here.

Here is what was underfoot. Can you identify what was overhead by looking at this?

Speaking of overhead, the trees were looking good silhouetted against the early evening sky.

The pathway is a popular spot for evening walks with or without the family dog.

As the sun goes down the other lights come up. Meadowlark has a very well attended light show during December but you need a ticket to get inside the fenced area and I don't have one.

Those lucky enough to have a ticket for tonight were beginning to make their way to the main entrance. Nature was still providing a free show overhead but doubtless the light display set up in the park soon overshadowed the lovely sunset.

Day is done, gone the sun, from the seas, from the hills, from the skies...
Maybe I'll have to go make a reservation to get inside to see the display this year. The forecast says it is going to be warm again next week so I better get myself organized and see it while I can without my fingers freezing on the camera shutter.
Hope you enjoyed sharing the golden hour with me.
Indeed I did enjoy your little excursion. Norris and I very much enjoyed the Meadowlark Garden, though we never saw a light show there. This is a very fine photo essay without the lights!