First a disclaimer. I don't have the fine camera equipment nor the fine knowledge of how to take nighttime photographs to bring clarity and brilliance to this effort. But when I was out on Saturday night taking these photos I felt like I was in a fairyland with all the lights and that is what I hope to convey with this post. Maybe you'll think that all it shows is that I don't get out at night often enough. Whatever, here goes.

My tree in the city at night.

The tree with the pavilion in the background.

That pavilion roof looks like fairyland with the lights.

The horses were still gamely going round and round the block guided now by the lit up street trees.

All sorts of people and vehicles were out and about. It's what is in the middle background that I want to mention. This is the fountain with lights to replace the water. I get the concept but I wonder if it would look better if the lights moved to create more of a running water feel.

That tree in a real closeup look.

Decorations on the lamp posts.

One last look at the pavilion.
And there it is, the sequel. Were there trees in every photo? Er, maybe not, but I had fun trying to capture the moment.
I believe the only photo without a tree is the decorated pavilion - and you had to include that! A very picturesque montage - the closeup of the tree and the horses could be favorites. Until I think about the lampposts or the fountain etc.