Friday morning brought workmen on site at 7:20 am. And they got busy and soon had things ready for the inspector to come look and give it his blessing so concrete could be poured.

It must be obvious to anyone that we have a building site now as today has been a flurry of vehicles. Here is the concrete truck and they're getting ready to off load concrete into a handy little motorised wheelbarrow thingie. (I just missed the men donning their concrete boots.) Just before the arrival of the concrete truck came the lumber yard truck with materials for the framing which they unloaded in front of the dumpster but which has had to be relocated closer to the worksite.

And here are the workmen working the concrete. The fellow to the right is inside the portion that will be the elevator shaft. That is the total amount of this building project that touches ground. The balance is the slab for the new patio. You might be able to see that where there was a hole in the wall on Monday it has been temporarily closed off to keep winter weather and critters on the outside.
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