The plum tree is out in bloom and by 5pm on Wednesday March 9 the sun is still pretty bright and making great shadows.

The season is such that wonderful artists might be found out and about painting en pleine aire. Here is my great artist friend Jill Banks working at her easel outside The Atelier in Great Falls village.

On a day that was bursting with the promise of great weather it was a foregone conclusion that I needed to be outside working in my garden. Here is a before and after with the liriope along the front walk.

The day previous I had worked out of sight in the back garden cutting back the caryopteris. All except for this branch stem where I found an intriguing cocoon.

A few flower stalks remained from last year on the caryopteris and I gave this one a last chance of glory before I snipped it off with the pruning shears.

Getting back to the front walk garden the nandina is in good company with my wheelbarrow. All the seedheads from the echinacea are now cut down and ready for dispatch to the compost heap out back. I leave selected seedheads up through the winter months so the birds have something to feast on.

If you have been following my many blog posts for a while now and trying to figure out what attracts me you may have noticed I see patterns. During the week I stopped by at a shopping area where the landscaping crew had clearly just visited and cut back, with almost military precision, the ornamental grasses along the bank.

The big view.

Back in my own garden the plum tree is really so pretty this spring.

A few rogue blossoms show up sprouting directly from the trunk of the tree.

And to close I will show you what Jill was painting. A fine way to spend a glorious, early almost-spring day!
Go look and see if Jill will post an update on this painting http://jillbanks.blogspot.com/
I am so ready to be done with Winter White. But wait, there is just one more color post for the winter. My aim is to bring you that color on Thursday March 17. No prizes for guessing the color. The color in winter series will conclude on the equinox which, this year, is on Palm Sunday, March 20.
Yes, winter is definitely over here, too. We've been wearing t-shirts to go out walking. Haven't been keeping our eyes open for these pretty pictures like you have though!