But in the meantime I had schemed all along for green to be my closeout color because, basically, it is my favorite color. Now since today is also St Patrick's Day it brings added oomph to the subject.

Despite spending quite a time searching, alas, no four leafed clover was found.

This bird has arrived for the season and settled quite happily in the green grass.

A white window blind and a green carnation, we're all dressed up for the season.

When I found this bunch of roses at the store I thought they had a green tinge to them. Once I got them home I was not so sure.

Some years back we were doing a small DIY project in the garage. The plywood used was not of the highest quality and had a couple of ugly knotholes right where we would see them every time we went into the garage. To make my world just a little nicer I went searching for a way to improve the situation and found these great green frogs.

Signs of spring.

"Riverdance" one of my all time favorite quilts that I have made, was based on a pattern by Jo Morton. My very talented friend Cheryl Kotecki quilted it so very beautifully.

What a great backdrop to this spring vignette - the reverse side of Riverdance.

Up in the village the revelers were having a grand day celebrating St Patrick at The Old Brogue. Artists were also taking advantage of the day!

For dinner on this day we go for the US tradition. Home made soda bread...

Corned beef, cabbage (strictly speaking this is kale and onions but it still fits the bill) and carrots.

For dessert, we indulge in a chocolate cupcake.

Closing out now with more clover. We did try!
Is that a home-made cupcake? I have to say the surprising garage-wall frogs are a superb example of the color of the post! And your final shot of the clover on the gray deck is very nice.