Two snowy owls anyone?

One of the curiosities of a blustery winter storm is the things you find in the yard after it is over. Blown in from somewhere around here, although I cannot locate the source, was this big dried mop head hydrangea bloom. A couple of mornings ago we had a sharp frost and I liked the texture it imparted to the petals.

All that snow from the storm on January 23 was reduced to this ten days later. I liked the linear look and the great reflections on the deck courtesy of the very rainy day.

As the snow melts it fascinates me to watch the order it melts in and I wonder why. For example - why did the snow around this square base melt in this perfect circle?

Making up stories about what happens while I am not watching I wonder if the kitty cat saw whatever came through with these big footprints. I do remember noticing some days earlier that there was a set of deer footprints here but as the snow melts it morphs into something more exciting and curious.

There have been a couple of days with amazing and sudden huge pockets of fog. The temperatures have been quite warm for the time of year and those warm temps pushing down on the remaining snow have given us fog.

Another shot of that hydrangea. Today I notice it has been released from the snow on the side of the driveway so I guess by tomorrow it will have blown on to create a mystery in someone else's yard.

Giant footprint perhaps?

In closing, to warm you up after all those images of winter snow, let's have a hot drink before bed.
I think you had fun with this group - your mystery hydrangea did make an excellent photo subject!