The dancing tulips are a good antidote to that white stuff outside and a handful of valentine candies and the paper parasol add the touch of whimsy that I need on a day like this.

These tulips are certainly providing me with lots of inspiration.

Meanwhile outside, yep, more snow to be cleared and shoveled so some absurdity at the end was called for.

Birds of red feathers flock together.

Red, it was everywhere I looked.

As a child we often had a boiled egg for breakfast, eaten out of these red eggcups. A timer was required or else the desired soft boiled egg became too hard cooked to dip the soldiers in.

Random red collection. With my London Transport bus pass I, 100% New Zealand made, could travel wherever, maybe even as far as the Lucketts Fair. That would have been a long trip so a little chocolate would be necessary to give sustenance.

The Mardi Gras style ceramic mask was purchased on a vacation to New Orleans in the early 1980s. It needed an American bus in the photo.
Purchase of the die cast metal vehicles was a Saturday morning ritual for my husband and oldest son as they walked over to the local street produce market when we lived in London. Now, this many years later, they make great small props for my photos.
Red; so much fun for a mid winter diversion. I hope you enjoyed seeing the results.
I did enjoy your winter diversion, but I was misled into thinking the quilt in the background was going to show up with the pieced side showing by the end of your post! I know it would make the other reds difficult to see but your viewer can hope, can't she? The boiled egg breakfast still life might be a winner among these strong contenders.