I am so grateful to have the collection of Royal Albert Old Country Roses (pattern name might not be quite correct) china that was a treasured possession of my mother. As a farmers wife in the 1940's and a baker's daughter before that money and "nice things" were not something in plentiful supply and Mum really loved her small collection of fine china.

That love was passed down to me and my tea set is also Royal Albert in the Lady Carlyle pattern. It's time for tea.

Yesterday I was out and about in Middleburg and came across this very serendipitous building.

While looking on my own bookshelves to find some pink books I came across this one and thought it was a perfect fit for today's celebration of pink.

These roses have a blush of pink at their center rather than being the "in your face" pink hue of the photos above.
H'mm, I'm having layout issues here. Below is a wonderful example of how the Italians love to have their flowers even if they might not have a big back yard to put them in. This one is not pink in the winter but rather a repeat of one from my summer 2014 trip to the Piemonte region of Italy - this one in the village of La Morra.
"Ms Pink Dances into Autumn" could be finished if I spent more time in the sewing room and less time with my camera!

Now that's the car of a bold and brave pink lover! Seen in Italy when we went to the market in Alba.

I do love pink roses even though, in general, pink is not my favorite color and nor do I grow roses in the garden.

Shall we stop for tea and cake at four?

Just a note about this cake - it is the last slice of the Christmas cake that featured in a blog post back in, oh perhaps, early December.

And to finish out this pink celebration, here is the lovely pink sky at sunset last Sunday night.
Happy to note you have not limited "Pink in Winter" to winter pictures - your photos from Italy go very nicely with your china and roses. How funny that the Middleburg Information Center calls itself that way! I suppose the brick building predates this use and that's how it has been referred to for some time.