Thursday, March 1, 2012

This one's for you Jill.

Aah, March 1 - is it the beginning of Spring? Certainly, with the sunny sky and temperature heading for 70 degrees F it seemed as though it was as I headed out for an afternoon in the garden to deal with a heavy crop of weeds.

My artist friend Jill had bemoaned the lack of opportunity to paint en plein aire earlier in the week so I thought I'd have a little fun and set up some scenes or still lifes for her to consider next time she is looking for a subject.

I thought I would title the above scene "waiting for spring". The wind pruned twigs and branches have been piled up waiting to be carried away. The daffodils have sprouted and are setting buds. The bird bath has been set right side up again waiting to be filled with clear water. The bluebird house has been cleaned out and is again full of hope that this will finally be the year the bluebird finds this prime location and moves in.

Could this one be "end of day"? The sun is getting low in the sky and making good shadows. It is time to head inside and think about making dinner.

Earlier I had thought I might set up a still life. Alas, it is clear I am not the art teacher as there is way too much going on in this scene. But just in case, "the purple pose".

But the gardener wants to make a statement about how lush and vibrant the pansies are for the time of year. "A spot of yellow".

"Say cheese everyone" and squint into the bright afternoon sun.

And take a pause and "reflect" on the day.

Speaking of reflections...a cardinal has been stopping by to protest the intrusion of a look alike bird that sits right there at the base of the front door. But alas, neither of them will hang around to have their photograph taken.

So, are any of these scenes worthy of the paint brush, oils and canvas Jill?

1 comment:

  1. I await Jill's comments on the art-worthiness question, but there must be a story behind the doll with the colorful hair??


While I write this blog for my own fun, I would also love to know what you think about what I post.