Do you sometimes find yourself noticing things in one particular color? It has been a while since I posted anything but from time to time I would think "oh, I could put that on the blog" and never get to it. And then I noticed that the images I was thinking of all had a pink theme. Above, it was the pink tulips that made a pretty bouquet.

The January sunset after a snowy day made a lovely showing for just a brief time.

While the one in February was not quite as pink.

Today, still in February which should be cold and wintery weather, I was outside celebrating the sun and 50 degree weather by doing a little weeding. And suddenly I looked up and noticed the pink blooms on the plum tree so it was time to put away the tools and get out the camera. This blossom is three weeks earlier than last year.

No, I know this is not pink, but it is the first photo of the daffodils blooming for this season. This one is two weeks ahead of what it was last year.
After a winter that really barely happened it is a joy to see the first blossoms of spring.
It's been a glorious day here - I was not thinking pink though, till I read your post. We have a lot of green coming out!