The morning sun highlights my garden on this day of the Spring Equinox. That forsythia in the pot at front right demonstrates how mild the winter has been - the poor thing has been sitting there patiently waiting to be planted out since I bought it eleven months ago. I always have a few plants that captivate me at the nursery or spring plant fundraisers but when I get them home I can't immediately find where to plant them. Since this one has shown it is a survivor I had better find it a more permanent location.

The view from my driveway on a misty start to the day.

I liked the patterns the spring sunlight coming through the trees was making.

The green man finally made it out of the garage. This was a catalog purchase years and years ago but somehow it had never been installed. When this cedar tree had to be cut down because of winter damage last year I had them leave a good length of the trunk figuring I could still use it as a venue for morning glory vines. Without the vines it was looking fairly silly so I hung the green man.

The cherry trees in our street are out in peak bloom for this day. The blue periwinkle and the daffodils add to the spring vignette.

I just can't help continuing to record the beauty of the pansies this year as they are the most gorgeous I have had.
Did you enjoy sharing the views of this wonderful day that nature has provided for the spring equinox in my garden year?
Nice framing, Ms. Garden Photographer. When are you going to start entering contests? Do any of these inspire a follow on to your recently successful "Brown Eyes" quilt?