Yesterday most every school district around here was closed because of overnight sleet and ice. But today, with the temperature currently showing 50 F, there is a lot of thawing going on. So I took a look around the garden to see who has been visiting.
These two, on the shady north side are looking for a way to escape it seems so I took pity on them and carried them into the garden shed for the balance of the winter.
The Pukeko family arrived by air in December and here we see them asking a local for directions to the nearest airport to take them back to a more balmy climate. They can share space with the frogs until the weather is more agreeable.
Other animals have also been visiting. I wish these ones would find some other garden to spend their time in. Every morning the dog tracks all the activity from the overnight period so while I watch I can tell how long the deer stayed looking around for nibble opportunities.
These pots came out of the garage to bask in the sun for a few hours but I had better go put them back now or I will forget them and my overnight visitors will find them.
And finally, here is a view of an area in the back garden. Through the growing season there is always something blooming here beginning with daffodils, muscari and forsythia, then bridal veil spirea, catmint, coreopsis, white and purple echinacea, heliopsis, Russian sage and ending with New England asters. But for now we have many shades of brown including the track the dog makes in the grass as he heads up the slope.
Those are some fun frogs - and what a surprise to see pukeko!
ReplyDeleteWhat's the matter with those blue birds? Guess they need a new GPS.