Thursday, November 24, 2016

Giving Thanks

Today is Thanksgiving Day - a time when we can pause and think about what we are thankful for.
 Last Saturday I was thankful for the "flour flinging" that was going on in the kitchen when number 2 son was busy making pies to donate to the annual pie sale at our church. Pictured above is one of the two pumpkin pies cooked along with a pecan, a pineapple and an apple pie for a total of five pies.  He made the pies and I did the wrapping/presentation and then we drove over to church to deliver them. In the evening, once the kitchen had cooled down and been cleaned up I made cranberry, orange, coconut, pecan quick bread loaves and delivered them on Sunday morning as we arrived at church for the 10am service.
 On Saturday I was thankful for the timing of a phonecall from my neighbor. She wanted to alert me that her red maple tree was at peak of color and did I want to come take a photo? Thankfully I did go right on over and spend a half hour wandering round taking photographs because as I arrived back home a fierce wind sprang up that heralded the arrival of a cold front. Many leaves got blown off trees.
 Here is another shot of that red maple taken from the backside/interior of the tree looking out into the bright light. This one shows the brilliant color of the foliage really well.
 I am also hugely thankful for the efforts of number 1 son who has diligently raked, raked and raked some more, picked up the leaves and then dumped them in the big leaf pile out back.
 The oak leaves are a stunning brown this year.
 I'm also thankful that the new england aster plants did finally come into bloom. We had such a dry fall coming on the heels of a very hot summer and these plants had not come into flower when I thought they should.
 The nandina has good berries on it that the birds will be very thankful for in the winter.
 Nature has painted this nandina a very pretty shade. As I was out taking photos this morning I noticed a "leftover" from the painting crew who were here in August. The shrubs were much fuller then and I guess the painter did not realize he had dropped his brush.
 Wednesday of last week our small quilt group went to visit the Warrior Retreat at Bull Run. We have made and donated a number of quilts to this center to be given to the warriors who come for a retreat with up to 12 of their family members and friends. Opened last year this facility "provides our nation's recovering warriors with a cost-free respite opportunity away from the environment of their medical center. Our troops and their families are invited for a one-week "get-away" where everyone can relax, bond and enjoy quality time together." (words quoted directly from their promotional brochure). I was very impressed by what we saw and heard and thankful that we have groups like SOWW who are committed to demonstrating a tangible way that these servicemen and women can be helped in their recovery. Please go visit to find out more about this wonderful home away from home.
And I'm going to finish out as I began with another delicious pie (this one an apple pie) made for the pie sale.

Happy Thanksgiving to all - may you have the opportunity to share this day with family and friends and enjoy a delicious turkey dinner together. We will be giving thanks for the chance to gather round the table of a friendly neighbor and indulge in the yearly feast of roast turkey with all the trimmings.

1 comment:

  1. Yum pies - I wonder what a pineapple pie is ??? I will google that Warrier retreat, sounds interesting. Yes the maple tree is beautiful, though I wonder with all Casey's raking efforts how do the leaves not blow out of the pile again. I think I see a wire mesh enclosure (I think I recall seeing it last time I came to stay.


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