My plan is to talk about a different color once a week throughout the wintertime. First up wasn't necessarily intended to be green but that is the color that has dominated my life for the past week or so. For months now I have been working on the planning for a quilt show "Threaded With Green" which was scheduled to hang at ArtSpace Herndon opening on Tuesday, January 12.

Trying to decompress little last weekend we went to visit friends and took a walk along Difficult Run near the Potomac River. At that point I was expecting to blog on Sunday about my first color but what would it be?

Before we set out on the walk I wondered about making it red inspired by the lovely Ruby Cavalier King Charles spaniel who guided us along the trail. But he blended so well with the background that didn't seem as though it was going to work out.

As we were walking I noticed that the water in the Run had an emerald green shade to it and wondered if that would show up in the photos. As you can see it did so my color was chosen.

Green also showed up quite often in the lichen on the rocks.

Indeed, many shades of green was presented for me by nature on that day.

Green leaves still on the bushes in the understory.

It was a chilly day with a brisk wind but so much the better to blow away the anxiety I was feeling about having the show ready in time. Thanks my friends for the opportunity to do this with you.

Still trying to think green even if there was no time to post about it I came home from an errand later in the week and found the sink full of hot soapy water with the kitchen gloves laying alongside. H'mm, I thought, not glamorous but maybe I could make something out of it.

Returning to the topic of the "Threaded With Green" show we did get it up and hung on schedule on Monday. This is what you see above/behind the reception desk. The bigger quilt to the left is my "TOM Flies Free" while to the right, above the placard listing the names of all the exhibiting quilt artists, are two framed fiberart pieces by Anne Smyers.

Within the main gallery space is "Golden Valley" by Sarah Entsminger on the left and on the right upper "Guards Rule" by Shoshana Spiegel and lower, "Roll the Dice" by Gayle Maisel.

In case you are in the area and want to stop by here is the outside view of the gallery at 750 Center Street, Herndon, VA 20170. You can find all the details on their website
Let me know what you think after you have visited.
Green, one of my all time favorite colors!
Well this makes for a pleasant and relaxing photo group - except for the one four from the end which would make me think it's time to get back to work! I hope you are relaxing now that you've got the show on view - congratulations on a job well done!