Meanwhile, here at home, my garden has some pretty pockets to it.

When I was choosing these Bearded Iris to plant a few years back I was careful to select one early bloomer, one mid season bloomer and one late bloomer. But Mother Nature steps in and lets them all bloom at the same time. So much for planning. But the white daisies grow in among the blooms and look pretty even though, really and truely speaking, they are just weeds; I prefer to call them wildflowers. They live happily all over my garden.

Again, I had hoped to space out my Clematis blooms but, no, they all want to bloom at once. The white one does stay sporadically in bloom right on through the summer. I need to check the names on these.

The Aquilegia (Columbine) are all out right now. This is one of the last I have left of what used to be a full bed of yellow blooming aquilegia - sadly, when we did our building project a few years back that garden bed got decimated and although they had self seeded for a number of years I lost a lot of plants. Then when I tried to replace them the yellow was very difficult to find.

So I had to get a selection of other colors and here is one of them. Oops, they don't really grow sideways like this.

For right now, here is my white garden. It was planned as a white garden but later in the season it is awash with blue from "volunteer" Larkspur and Caryopteris. But for now the white daisies give a pretty airy feel along with the white salvia and a couple of variegated sage for interest.

Lastly, the Kousa Dogwood is out with the Nepetea at it's feet. A few years back when we had the seventeen year cicadas come out they really got all over this tree and I was wondering if I might lose it. But it has kept on and is coming back to what it used to be.
Lovely views right in your own backyard. Would be nice to take a cup of tea out of a morning, sit down and take it in. But not if your weather is like ours - down in the low 40's the last few nights. Unseasonably, we have to enjoy our views from the inside.