In honor of Memorial Day 2010 I created this bouquet (above). The roses came from the florist at Safeway but the big blue bellflowers came from my garden. And the photo, below, shows the red, white and blue flowers out back in my garden. I choose not to have a place for red flowers in my garden but here we have a renegade - what shows as red here was a beautiful soft pink carnation the year I planted it but since then it has flowered as red. Oh well, at least this year the rabbits did not nibble the buds and so I was able to have a red white and blue tableau for Memorial Day. You can see how thrilled Rolo is by this.

This was an area of the garden that took a beating during the building works but with some effort it is turning into a pretty corner. Even the frogs like it!

This little corner is meant to be my herb garden. But the blue delphinium that happily self seed all over the place in the back garden are having a turn. I'm allowing two plants and once the blooms are done I will be quickly pulling them out. The first crop of cilantro is already almost done and a big parsley from last year is already gone to seed. In another week or so that will come out so the basil can go in.

Three tomato plants got settled into their big pots on the deck in the last few days. Now starts the daily watering and checking for the unwanted tomato hookworm while I count down the days until I can pick the first fruit.