I am thinking you will be tiring of yet more snow photos. But I sure am taking a lot of them lately. The first one below is from my usual spot out the computer room window showing the bird bath under the dogwood tree. This was taken on the morning of Wednesday February 3 after a "light" snowfall the night before (there have been so many I have forgotten the amount of this one). But I include it for contrast with what comes next:

You may have seen the news that the mid Atlantic region got walloped by a big snowstorm beginning yesterday (another Saturday today and, so it goes, another snowstorm). It is not over yet but I am hoping the worst is past. But here is the same view taken mid afternoon today.

And now, the evidence. I leaned as far as I could out the laundry room door and plunged in the yard stick. You'll see it says there is 25" of snow but the snow banks higher behind it.

Casey and I first shoveled the driveway and the deck around 5pm Friday at which time we cleared maybe 3 - 5" of snow. Then we shoveled again from 9pm to 10:30pm but it was so heavy going then that we only got the driveway done.
At 3:00am Saturday we lost electricity. Now we were in a fix because the snow was so much that we needed to use the snow blower. But the only way I can get that monster started is with the electric key start. And without electricity I could not start the machine. The snow continued to fall. Around noon, hallelujah, the power came back on. So we went outside and struggled for almost two hours until the machine ran out of fuel. In that time I got the area in front of one garage cleared plus a wide enough space to get that one vehicle down to within 5' of the road. But since the snow plow has not been during daylight hours there is too much snow to get out onto the road anyway.
Right now we are taking a break and building up our energy and courage to make another assault on the snow around 4:30pm. It does seem as though it is tapering off. I hope so. This for sure is the record breaking storm they predicted with likely as much as 30" or more before the current storm passes over.
The advance forecast is not encouraging as it suggests more snow on Tuesday.
Glory be, enough already. I might go sew for an hour (while I have the electricity that is!) before we suit up again to go outside.